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Save the Date: March 4, 2025
Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center
181 Boston Post Rd West Marlborough, MA 01752


Online Registration is Closed
Onsite registration will begin at 7am. E-mail with any questions.

Earn 6 credits for CT, MA, ME, NH, RI and VT*, see the latest tools & technology available from our vendors, and network with other pest management professionals!


  • 7am: Registration & Continental Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall (Governor’s Ballroom)
  • 8am: Welcome & MDAR Rules Reminder (Taunton Ballroom)
  • 8:10: Vendor Introductions from NEPMA Gold & Silver Sponsors
  • 8:30-10:15: Termite Management | Jason Meyers, PhD, BASF
  • 10:15-11: Break in Exhibit Hall
  • 11-12: Today’s Commercial Kitchen Forecast: Unsanitary with a Chance of Fruit Flies | Nancy Troyano, PhD, BCE, Rentokil Terminix
  • 12-1: Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
  • 1-2: Strength in Numbers: The Math Behind Pesticide Applications | Nancy Troyano, PhD, BCE, Rentokil Terminix
  • 2-3: Effective Carpenter Ant Management | Brittany Campbell, PhD, BCE, Control Solutions
  • 3-3:15: Break in the hallway
  • 3:15-4:05: Rodent Roundtable: Servicing Commercial, Residential, and Food Processing Accounts
  • 4:30-5:30 Networking Reception (Governor’s I) (Extra Ticket Required)
  • 5:30-8:30 Awards Dinner (Governor’s I) (Extra Ticket Required)
*Credit Information
Refund/Cancellation Policy

All cancellation and substitution requests must be made in writing and can be emailed to Refunds will be made on the following schedule:

More than 31 days before the first day of the event……….. 100% refund
Within 25-31 days before the first day of the event………… 75% refund
Within 18-24 days before the first day of the event………… 50% refund
Within 11-17 days before the first day of the event………… 25% refund
Within 10 or less days out……………………………………………No refund
Refunds will not be given for no-shows.

Can’t attend but want to send someone else? Sure thing! Substitutions within the same company are permitted before the start of the conference and onsite at the 2024 Spring Training. A written request is required and can be emailed to The individual submitting the substitution request is responsible for all financial obligations (any balance due) associated with that substitution. Badge sharing, splitting, and reprints are not permitted.

Gold Level Sponsors

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Silver Level Sponsors


Bronze Level Sponsors



Pelsis Rectangle
Paragon Professional Products
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
PestVets-logo-New England-01
Liphatech logo_Solid_CMYK
Target Logo -transparent background


If you are interested in one of our events, e-mail and we’ll let you know when registration is available.

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