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January 16 & 17, 2025 will be the next opportunity to get on the WDI Registry. The 1.5 day WDI Registry Workshop includes both instruction and a comprehensive manual.

Location: Crowne Plaza Boston-Woburn, 15 Middlesex Canal Park Road, Woburn, MA 01801

Check-in: 7:15 a.m. (sign-in/out required)
Program Begins: 8:00 a.m.
Lunch: 12:00 p.m.
Day One: Program ends at 4:00 p.m.
Day Two: Program ends after the written exam
Both days of the program will include daily breaks and a luncheon

2024 Credits Were

  • Day 1: 7 CEUs for 41, 43 & CORE (L) Day 2: 5 CEUs for 41, 42, 43 & CORE (L)
  • 12 CEUs for MA Board of Registration for Home Inspectors
  • This course is approved for 12 of ASHI® Continuing Education Credits
More Information on the NEPMA Wood Destroying Insect (WDI) Inspection Training and Certification Program

NEPMA has developed a professional, pest management industry-specific training and registration program for conducting inspections and recommending treatment options for wood destroying insects (WDI). This program represents the Association’s formal training and registration program and is open to all pest management professionals and other real estate inspection professionals interested in being added to the NEPMA WDI Registry.

To be added to the registry

Professionals attend a 1.5 day training that covers the biology, behavior, and identification of WDIs as well as the legal implications of doing WDI inspections and how to complete the NPMA-33 form. At the end of the training, all participants take a written exam. Those who pass are added to the NEPMA WDI Registry. WDI registration is good for three years after which the professional must attend a 1/2 day refresher training to remain on the WDI registry. The next certification opportunity will be January 2025.

The training program includes:

  • 12 Hours of classroom instruction plus the registration exam
  • Comprehensive training manual authored by Dr. George Rambo
  • Certificate of completion of the W.D.I. training program (good for 3 years)
  • CEUs for Category 43 and CORE (pending approval)
  • 12 CEUs for MA Board of Registration for Home Inspectors (pending approval)
  • 12 ASHI MRCs (pending approval)
To remain on the registry

Attend the December recertification class every 3 years.


To get on the mailing list for when the next class is scheduled, please fill out our contact form.

To learn more about and purchase NPMA-33 forms, CLICK HERE.