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In the U.S., each state has an agency in charge of pesticide-related issues.

It may be called the Department of Agriculture, Pesticide Regulation, Environmental Conservation or something similar. You might consider contacting your State Pesticide Agency for issues like these:

  • How to comply with pesticide regulations
  • How to become a certified pesticide applicator, operator or dealer
  • How to find local opportunities for applicators’ continuing education
Here are the State Pesticide Agency contacts in the New England states:



New Hampshire

Rhode Island


NEPMA Keeps You Current

NEPMA hosts training events where professionals can earn the credits required to maintain their applicator licenses. We also work closely with our government agency partners to continue to advance the professional pest management industry. Check out our educational opportunities in the “Education & Training” section of this site and watch for regulatory updates in the monthly e-newsletter “Controlling Interest.”

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