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Bartlett W. Eldredge Award

About the Award: The Bartlett W. Eldredge Award is NEPMA’s highest award. It recognizes an individual who has made a long-term commitment to the betterment of the pest control industry in New England. Candidates for this award should exemplify strong service to the industry, a commitment to community service, and an overall acknowledgment by his/her peers within the industry.

Nominations are due annually by November 1st. Nominate a deserving candidate today!
You may nominate more than one person, but please submit a separate survey for each. An individual can only win the award once. A full list of past recipients is below. Contact with any questions.

The recipient of this award will be well known to many and each year many deserving candidates are received. The Board of Directors looks at the nominations and selects one recipient. Unlike the other NEPMA awards, this is not a double-blind process.

The winner will receive an eagle award and industry recognition.

The Bart Eldredge Award is presented at the Annual Dinner in December.

Past Recipients

2023 Chris Del Rossi Food and Drug and the Bug
2022 Ted Brayton Griggs & Browne
2021 Mike Peaslee Modern Pest Services
2019 Tony DeJesus Big Blue Bug Solutions
2018 Joe Barile Bayer Environmental Sciences
2017 Sheila Haddad Bell Laboratories, Inc.
2016 Jack Drummey Hudson Pest Exterminators
2015 Marillian Missiti Buono Pest Control Services
2014 Bob Leon General Environmental Services
2012 Bill Siegel Orkin, Inc.
2011 Galvin Murphy Yankee Pest Control, Inc.
2010 Bill Burke Waltham Services, Inc.
2009 Reginald (Reg) Oak J.F. Oakes Sales and Marketing
2008 Thomas Fisher Braman Chemical
2007 George Williams Univar USA
2006 Clarke Keenan Waltham Services, Inc.
2005 James Russell American Exterminating Co.
2004 Ben Buono Buono Pest Control
2003 Brian Alexson Terminix
2002 Peter Wonson, Sr. General Environmental Services
2001 Kevin Moran Residex Corp.
2000 Charles Houghton Safety Fumigant Co.
1999 Rod Kreimeyer Best Pest Control Co.
1998 Howard Stevenson Modern Pest Control Co.
1997 Justin Pestana J.P. Chemical Co.
1996 Robert Pelletier Ideal Spray Co.
1995 Richard Keenan Waltham Chemical Co.
1994 Steven Certa Watch All Pest Management
1993 Richard Berman Waltham Chemical Co.

If you would like to support these programs please consider making a donation to New England PWIPM or the Mark Weintraub Scholarship Fund. Contact for more information or donate to the scholarship fund online here.