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The membership year is July 1 – June 30

The NEPMA Bylaws govern our organization. Membership is encouraged to comply with the Code of Ethics promulgated by the New England Pest Management Association.

For Pest Management Company Membership:

NEPMA and NPMA (National Pest Management Association) have joint membership agreement. When you join NEPMA, your dues include NPMA membership and all of the member benefits of both associations are available to you. If your pest control company is headquartered in a state outside of New England and is an NPMA member through that state, then the Affiliate membership category is what you need.

Allied, Affiliate, Associate and Prospective Membership:

NEPMA also has membership options for those who do not qualify for regular membership but are industry partners (Associate), suppliers (Allied), Affiliates, or pest control companies just starting out (Prospective). If your pest control company is headquartered in a state outside of New England and is an NPMA member through that state, then the Affiliate membership category is what you need.

For application and renewal information, click here. 

Opportunities for Vendors:

NEPMA values its Sponsors. There are Gold, Silver, and Bronze Sponsorship options available, which bundle all the benefits of membership and visibility opportunities to New England companies.

Click here for the vendor sponsorship application with details.

NEPMA sends a monthly e-newsletter to hundreds of PMPs in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island. If you’re interested in placing an ad, use the NEPMA Controlling Interest Ad Application.


The NEPMA Vendor Relations Committee is always looking for ideas on how the association can connect suppliers to PMPs. Contact with ideas!